This folder is kept in sync with OneDrive. If you are in a rush, however, you can take action to get things back to normal immediately.
Next, select Properties on the context menu. And even better, you can start syncing an unlimited number of photos and videos with Google Photos - sounds phenomenal, right? Plus, the platform automatically scans for file changes and updates those files in real-time across all your devices. Admittedly, it does compress your media files to a certain degree, but the reductions in quality are pretty much negligible for standard usage. Consider switching to Google Drive, which not only provides 15GB of free space, but also utilizes zero storage for all the documents that you want to fill it up with. Next, copy and paste the following path into the search field and click OK: %localappdata%\Microsoft\OneDrive\onedrive.exe /reset. So, if you back up to an external hard drive and store that at home with your home PC, that’s an onsite backup.